Friday, November 14, 2008

hello there.

I finally decided get a blog. This takes me back to the good old middle school days where "Xanga" was the greatest thing in the world. Anyways, I guess I'll try to update as much as possible and not be TOO boring. I think this will be good practice for English/Writing class I have to take next quarter...

With tennis practice basically taking over my life right now, I haven't had many opportunities to socialize except with the guys from the team. They're really cool and everything but I miss my high school buddies. (Yes Dami! You're a terrific photographer!)


chery said...

i still love that picture! it's up on my wall (:

Dami said...

hehe go-mahps~

Unknown said...

kevin lee?
rhymes with chili?
oh don't be so silly.

p.s. oh, xanga, how you used to rule the lives of young children...

Crystal said...

ahhh xanga <3